Tuesday, August 27, 2024 – 7:00 PM

A regular meeting of the City Commission was called to order by President Rue in the City Forum of City Hall.
Commissioners Present: Krystal Brown, David Estrop, Bridget Houston, Tracey Tackett, Rob Rue
Commissioners Absent: None
The invocation was offered by Mr. Aaron Roy from the Nehemiah Foundation and Mr. Rue then led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.
On Motion of Dr. Estrop, seconded by Mrs. Brown, commissioners approved the minutes of the August 5, 2024, Special Meeting and the August 13, 2024, Executive Session, Work Session, and Regular Meeting as presented.
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue                   Yeas 5, Nays 0
Mr Rue explained the comment period procedures noting any responses to questions would be provided by Commission and staff during the Comments from Commissioner portion of the meeting unless research is needed. Constructive dialogue is strongly encouraged. Mr. Rue noted that draft letters to our state and federal officials were available to be used by anyone wishing to express their concerns related to issues placed before the Commission relating to immigration.  The next Immigration Forum will be held August 29 at 6:30 p.m. facilitated by the NAACP in the City Hall Forum. 

Mr. Gary Armstrong spoke about the homeless being removed from the Executive Inn and his opinions regarding homelessness, shared his opinions of city commissioners, a petition for recall, and a home near his street being converted to a quad. 

Ms. Darlene Yeley spoke about a facility for youth she proposed to legislators that would be similar to United Senior Services that would offer mentorship, help, and activities and her disappointment nothing has been accomplished to provide a facility for youth. 

Ms. Diana Daniels shared her disappointment of issues not being solved stating that culture is the issue in Springfield. Expressed she feels she is not heard and feels no solutions will come from round-table discussions.

Ms. Yvonne Owens expressed her thankfulness and being grateful giving her thanks to the Commission and all the departments of the City. 

Mr. Clayton Klein shared his concerns around a needed environmental assessment of the City and the impact of newcomers to the city on the infrastructure.  

Mr. Mike Lowe expressed his concerns of the commission guidelines, the Charter requirement for police officers, juveniles creating havoc on the city and properties that need to be cleaned up.  

Mr. Anthony Harris encouraged the commission to go out into the community to observe the people of Springfield and their activities with regard to driving, shopping, and living. 

Mr. Jeffrey Allen stated he was born and raised in Springfield and noted everyone should be working together to solve the issues presented in a sensible way.  

Ms. Peg Foley stated she is grateful to be able to express her views and her hopes about a shared future with the newcomers to Springfield.  Noted an article she read about immigrants and their contributions to local areas stating it is up to everyone make a positive impact and provide solutions.

Ms. Lisa Hayes expressed her concerns shopping in Springfield and the lack of courtesy in the stores, her concerns with Jobs and Family Services and the number of people they serve. 

Ms. Marceeta Jeffrey inquired about the work on Yellow Springs Street, her business not being accessible and her concerns about City water. 

Mr. Nathaniel Higgers head of the anti-immigration march in Springfield stated his opinions about their march and immigration. 

Ms. Cindy Phillips thanked Finance Director Eviston for the quick response to her questions when calling.  Ms. Phillips also asked about future plans to help the homeless.  

Mr. Lonnie Cole Jr. spoke of immigration, the channels to become a citizen, and the military protecting U.S. freedoms.  

Mr. Ken Seelig asked questions concerning the City’ website, questions being answered, an email to submit questions, a designated person to answer phone questions, citizens placing items on the commission agenda, speaking longer than three minutes on agenda items, the number of adjudications issued on properties and how many solved.  Mr. Seelig also spoke about his bike club experiences and toy runs for the children of Clark county.
Mr Rue responded to a question posed at a previous meeting by Mr. Armstrong regarding his LLC.  Mr. Rue shared that his LLC is tied to his business, why he purchased properties near his business and spoke about his salary as mayor. Mr. Rue further explained his meetings with State and Federal officials to relate the people of Springfield’s concerns regarding driving laws, newcomers, the Springfield leaders concerns and communicated that hate will not be tolerated in our City.  Mr. Rue expressed his passion for helping to make Springfield better and noted while working with the State regarding safety on our roads, there will be 30-day blitz announced which will be an effort to bring attention to Ohio driving laws and road safety.  He plead with the Haitian community to drive safely and not drive on our streets illegally.  

Mrs. Brown spoke in response to Ms. Yeley’s request for a youth facility.  Mrs. Brown noted there is a program called YouMedia at the Dome which provides many classes and programs available to middle and high school students within the county free of charge.  Mrs. Brown expressed if anyone is interested and has a passion to make change they step up and help. 

Mrs. Houston disclosed she does not own rental properties and has one LLC for her business and noted she shops in Springfield.  Mrs. Houston also announced she met with Representative J. D. Vance’s office in April to discuss the topic of police and fire funding with another meeting in the near future to address current issues. Mrs. Houston addressed the question about the long-term plan for homelessness with hopes to work with the community to develop a solid plan. 

Mrs. Brown stated she works in public education, lives in a small house, does not own an LLC, and does not have rental properties and stated she is not removed from Springfield as she is out and about serving all people of all walks of life. 

Dr. Estrop asked Mrs. Eviston to state the range of salaries for the City Commission.  Mrs. Eviston stated the range is $11,019.06 to $14,687.92 for commissioners and the mayor.  Dr. Estrop encouraged the citizens to write letters to their State and Federal officials with samples including the names and addresses of the officials being provided.  
Mrs. Tackett stated she owns a small business, is from Springfield, has no rental properties, is a recent graduate of Ohio State University and is actively seeking employment.  Mrs. Tackett noted her research for items on the agenda and her desire to have a plan for the homelessness issue in Springfield. 

Mr. Heck also noted he does not own rentals or businesses, shops local, spoke about his faith and church history. Mr. Heck announced answers to citizen questions will be answered and placed on the website for others to access, explained his role as city manager.  Mr. Heck answered questions about the Executive Inn closure stating once the Homefull contract was defeated, they were no longer under contract with the City leaving the Executive Inn with no operator at that point. City staff was on-site working tirelessly to place the families in a safe facility. 

Mr. Heck stated there has not been an environmental impact study performed, however the Clark County Haitian Coalition is trying to find solutions to the rise of this particular population within our community and asked Safety Services Director Jason Via to speak on this topic.  Mr. Via stated that the Clark County Haitian Coalition consists of 60 members made up of folks from the Clark County Combined Health District, Springfield City Schools, United Way, Rocking Horse, Nehemiah Foundation, Job and Family Services, Catholic Social Services, St. Vincent De Paul and the City of Springfield with several other non-profit and private stakeholders providing services for translation services, courses for learning English as a second language, driver’s training, workforce issues for employers and employees, healthcare, legal and safety concerns and education on landlord/tenant rights. 

Mr. Heck stated the number of City police officers currently stands at 120, the Charter requirement is 124 and the City has budgeted for 130.  Mr. Heck announced the City is challenged by persons no applying, passing the civil service test and other required testing expressing the City will not hire those who do not pass the testing.  Other communities are facing the same issues with hiring police officers.  

Mr. Heck asked Law Director Jill Allen to speak to the questions concerning the North Belmont and Larch property clean-up.  Mrs. Allen noted the City is exploring options with the EPA for mediation.  City Departments have explored and found the costs for nuisance abatement and clean up at the property to be cost prohibitive.    

Mr. Heck asked Service Director Chris Moore to address the South Yellow Springs Construction and water questions asked by Ms. Jeffrey.  Mr. Moore stated that contractor’s are paid to maintain traffic and stated he would address this issue with the contractor.  Mr. Moore provided a Consumer Confidence Report which provides information on the City’s water.  

Mr. Heck stated that the Friday before every Commission meeting, the agenda is available for review on the City’s website by staff and the public also noting there is a QR code posted around the Forum to submit questions and receive answers.

Mr. Heck asked Mrs. Eviston to address the questions revolving around the Villager Inn and the homelessness issue. Mrs. Eviston stated there were insurance checks received in the amount of $360,000 due to the fire at the Villager Inn.  It was determined that after the fire, for the safety of staff and citizens, the building would be demolished. Noting that a total demo of the complex would be about the same amount as the insurance check, explaining an emergency demolition was scheduled due to the amount of damage and no responses to an RFP released before the fire.  The RFP for redevelopment of the Villager to provide affordable housing and emergency shelter received no responses from local partners or others. 

Mr. Heck addressed questions revolving around the website stating a website upgrade is being explored pending the budget.  Mr. Heck stated that continuous emphasis is being placed on customer service. Mr. Heck addressed a question asked about citizens placing items on the Commission agenda stating that the meetings are business meetings.  Citizens have the opportunity to speak during the Comments from the Audience time or on any legislative item on the agenda.  If there are policy changes or business items a citizen would like to have presented, those suggestions would be accepted by staff for consideration.

Questions involving Code Enforcement were answered by Mr. Heck stating there are currently four Code Enforcement employees including the manager.  The number of adjudications, those resolved and the amount of fees will be researched and the answers will be posted on the website.   

Mr. Heck requested Mrs. Eviston address the questions concerning revenue and transit questions.  Mrs. Eviston explained the City’s main source of revenue is income tax revenue.  There has been no correlation between population and income tax revenue growth. For 2023 income tax revenue was up 1.3% compared to 2022. The annual wage growth for Ohio during the same period was 3.1% which would indicate that the City’s income tax revenue for 2023 at 1.3% was declining when  considering the wage growth throughout the State of Ohio.  The City’s annual HUD dollars were reduced by more than 8% over the past year. The City is not receiving or funding transportation for immigrants coming into Springfield.
The following legislation was read by title only for the first time and requires presentation at a second regular meeting before vote on passage.
222-24Rescinding and Replacing Resolution 6145 Approving a Petition for  the Creation of the Springfield Regional Energy Special Improvement District and for Special Assessments for Special Energy Improvement Projects and a Springfield Regional Energy Special Improvement District Program Plan and Resolution 6146 Approving the Necessity of Acquiring, Constructing, and Improving Certain Public Improvements in the City.
Dr. Estrop asked for an explanation about the energy improvement items which include Item Nos. 222-24, 223-24, 224-24, 225-24, 226-24, and 227-24. Assistant City Manager and Economic Development Manager Tom Franzen provided an overview relating to assessments to the properties for energy improvements and noted the types of projects included.  Dr. Estrop followed up with a question how participation in these programs help the business owner. Mr. Franzen explained the PACE program allows for the financing of energy improvements be stretched over a longer term.  
223-24Approving a Petition for Special Assessments for Special Energy Improvement Projects and a Springfield Regional Energy Special Improvement District Supplemental Plan—Supplement to Plan for 2018 and 2020 E. Main Street, Springfield, Ohio Project and Declaring the Necessity of Acquiring, Constructing, and Improving Certain Public Improvements in the City.
The following legislation was read by title only for the first time and requires presentation at a second regular meeting before vote on passage.
192-24Vacating the first alley northeast of Johnny Lytle Avenue from Montgomery Avenue aka Rebert Pike west to the intersecting north-south alley.
224-24Determining to Proceed with the Acquisition, Construction, and Improvement of Certain Public Improvements at 404 East McCreight Avenue in the City of Springfield, Ohio in Cooperation with the Springfield Regional Energy Special Improvement District.
Mr. Mike Lowe asked if this facility is planning to increase the size of the facility. Mr. Danny Caram stated there would be no additions to the property and the improvements would be strictly energy related. 
225-24Levying Special Assessments for the Purpose of Acquiring, Constructing, and Improving Certain Public Improvements at 404 East McCreight Avenue in the City of Springfield in Cooperation with the Springfield Regional Energy Special Improvement District.
226-24Determining to Proceed with the Acquisition, Construction, and Improvement of Certain Public Improvements at 2018 and 2020 East Main Street in the City of Springfield, Ohio in Cooperation with the Springfield Regional Energy Special Improvement District.
227-24Levying Special Assessments for the Purpose of Acquiring, Constructing, and Improving Certain Public Improvements at 2018 and 2020 East Main Street in the City of Springfield in Cooperation with the Springfield Regional Energy Special Improvement District.
228-24Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Tony Smith dba Tony Smith Wrecking & Trucking, for the demolition of up to 37 specific parcels, for an amount not to exceed $351,700.00.
Mr. Mike Lowe requested a list of the 37 parcels in question for this contract. Mr. Heck responded that the list of properties is part of the agenda and is on the website. 
229-24Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Lorrenzo Anderson dba All Thangs Truck Hauling & Dumpsters, LLC for nuisance abatement services as needed by the City, for a period of one (1) year with an option to renew for one (1) additional one-year period, for an amount not to exceed $50,000.00; and declaring an emergency therein.
Dr. Estrop asked Mr. Heck to explain the contracts for nuisance abatement and the amounts authorized for each of the contractors in Item Nos. 229-24, 230-24. 231-24 and 232-24. Mr. Heck stated the contracts are associated with nuisance abatement for junk and trash and demolitions. Currently, the City is tracking at $172,000 for junk and trash clean up. Dr. Estrop asked when property owners are served notice and the City has to clean up the property, are the property owners billed. Mr. Heck stated the City does seek to recover the funds which comes with challenges when involving vacant or abandoned properties. 
230-24Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Gary Gilbert, Jr. dba Gilbert’s Lawn Service for nuisance abatement services as needed by the City, for a period of one (1) year with an option to renew for one (1) additional one-year period, for an amount not to exceed $50,000.00; and declaring an emergency therein.
231-24Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with OMAC Hauling Inc. for nuisance abatement services as needed by the City, for a period of one (1) year with an option to renew for one (1) additional one-year period, for an amount not to exceed $50,000.00; and declaring an emergency therein.
232-24Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Samuel E. Whitaker Sr. dba Whitaker Hauling for nuisance abatement services as needed by the City, for a period of one (1) year with an option to renew for one (1) additional one-year period, for an amount not to exceed $50,000.00; and declaring an emergency therein
233-24Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Alexander Chemical Corporation for the purchase of Liquid Chlorine for use by the City’s Water Treatment Plant, for an amount not to exceed $114,000.00.
234-24Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Rumpke of Ohio, Inc. for the City's 2024 Collection of Bagged Leaves Program for an amount not to exceed $77,873.00.
Dr. Estrop asked about the bagged leaf program and Mr. Heck responded if this item is passed, the bagged leaf pickup dates will be November 23 and December 14, 2024.  Rumpke was the only bidder for this contract.
The following legislation was presented for a second time:
211-24Ordinance No. 24-243 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Airport Vegetation Management Agreement [2024-2028] with Brian Harbage, to manage vegetation growth on 55.08 acres at the Springfield-Beckley Municipal Airport, and confirming and approving services provided by Brian Harbage from June 1, 2024 to the passage of this Ordinance.
Dr. Estrop asked what is meant by vegetation growth.  Mr. Franzen stated that vegetation growth consists of crops which are allowed by the FAA and offsets the City’s costs associated with mowing the ground.  
On Motion of Dr. Estrop, seconded by Mrs. Houston, the Ordinance was passed.
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue                   Yeas 5, Nays 0
286-22Ordinance No. 24-244 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into Amendment No. 4 to the Agreement with App Architecture LLC for the design the South Charleston Pike Fire Station to increase the Agreement for an amount not to exceed $3,840.00, for a total amount not to exceed $632,989.94.
On Motion of Mrs. Brown, seconded by Mr. Rue, the Ordinance was passed.
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue                   Yeas 5, Nays 0
212-24Ordinance No. 24-245 Amending Ordinance No. 91-90, passed March 12, 1991, and commonly known as the Codified Ordinances of The City of Springfield, Ohio, by repealing and replacing Section 918.04 entitled Stormwater Utility Service Charges; ESU Rates.
Dr. Estrop asked Mrs. Eviston to explain this item.  Mrs. Eviston explained the utility rate increases to water, sewer and stormwater costs over the next two years and what goes into the determination of the average costs.  Mrs. Eviston explained the costs for treating the City’s water and the rise in costs for materials needed for the treatment process. The costs are necessary to sustain the quality and service of our water. 
On Motion of Dr. Estrop, seconded by Mrs. Tackett, the Ordinance was passed.
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue                   Yeas 5, Nays 0
213-24Ordinance No. 24-246 Amending Ordinance No. 91-90, passed March 12, 1991, and commonly known as the Codified Ordinances of The City of Springfield, Ohio, by repealing and replacing Section 911.02 entitled Service Charge Rates and Section 917.02 entitled Service Charge Rates.
Mr. Mike Lowe asked if the increases are related to expanding the boundaries of the city limits, the balance of the water department funds, and the purchase of vehicles out of this fund.  Mrs. Eviston explained utility rates have increased each year, the cash balances are taken into consideration when looking at rate increases as there must be enough cash on hand for debt due to infrastructure mandates.  The City’s balances are in line with other communities of Springfield’s size.  Mrs. Eviston further explained that water funds can only be used for water related purposes. Mr. Lowe asked if the State has provided funding for any of the expansion projects and Mrs. Eviston stated that OWDA funds have been used for certain projects. 
On Motion of Mrs. Brown, seconded by Mrs. Houston, the Ordinance was passed.
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue                   Yeas 5, Nays 0
216-24Ordinance No. 24-247 Confirming and approving a Grant Agreement with the Ohio Office of Budget and Management, to accept funding in an amount up to $750,000.00, to be used for an AB Graham Memorial; authorizing the City Manager, Finance Director, and Law Director to do all things necessary to implement said Grant Agreement and to comply with all relevant local, state and federal legal requirements.
Mr. Heck stated the purpose of this agreement is related to the I-70/72 interchange widening project happened before anticipated and this is to help with the improvement and finish the landscaping of that interchange area.
On Motion of Dr. Estrop, seconded by Mrs. Houston, the Ordinance was passed.
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue                   Yeas 5, Nays 0
272-22Ordinance No. 24-248 Confirming and approving the Lease Termination Agreement and Mutual Release by and between Reid Park Limited and the City of Springfield, Ohio to terminate the lease, operation and maintenance of Reid Park Golf Course.
On Motion of Mrs. Houston, seconded by Mrs. Brown, the Ordinance was passed.
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue                   Yeas 5, Nays 0
The following legislation was presented for the first time:
235-24Resolution No. 6246 Endorsing and supporting the Clark County Waste Management District’s Amended Draft Solid Waste Management Plan for the 2025-2039 Planning Period.
On Motion of Dr. Estrop, seconded by Mrs. Brown, the Resolution was adopted.
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue                   Yeas 5, Nays 0
The following emergency legislation was presented for the first time:
009-24Ordinance No. 24-249 Confirming purchases and the obtaining of services for the City and providing for payments therefor; and declaring an emergency therein.
On Motion of Mrs. Brown, seconded by Mrs. Houston, the Ordinance was passed.
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue                   Yeas 5, Nays 0
019-24Ordinance No. 24-250 Providing for Supplemental Appropriations within various funds, and declaring an emergency therein.
On Motion of Mrs. Brown, seconded by Mrs. Tackett, the Ordinance was passed.
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue                   Yeas 5, Nays 0
236-24Ordinance No. 24-251 Authorizing the City Manager to apply for, accept and enter into Water Supply Revolving Loan Account Loan Agreement with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and Ohio Water Development Authority to finance a portion of the City's 2024 Selma Road Water Service Replacement Project; authorizing the City Manager, Finance Director and Law Director to do all things necessary to implement said loan application and agreement, and to comply with all relevant local, state and federal legal requirements; and declaring an emergency therein.
Dr. Estrop asked for more information.  Mr. Heck stated this project is related to the Selma Road project and will eliminate lead lines in our infrastructure and asked Mrs. Eviston to speak to the funding for this project.  Mrs. Eviston explained the loan with the Ohio EPA and OWDA is for $1,011,100 of which $318,915 would be eligible for principal forgiveness and the remaining $692,000 would be at 0% interest.
On Motion of Mrs. Brown, seconded by Mrs. Houston, the Ordinance was passed.
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue                   Yeas 5, Nays 0
237-24Ordinance No. 24-252 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Mid-Ohio Pipeline Co Inc., for the Selma Road Water Service Replacement Project for an amount not to exceed $906,900.23; and declaring an emergency therein.
On Motion of Mrs. Brown, seconded by Mrs. Houston, the Ordinance was passed.
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue                   Yeas 5, Nays 0
198-24Ordinance No. 24-253 Providing for the issuance of bonds to pay the property owners' portion, in anticipation of the collection of special assessments heretofore levied of the cost of constructing sidewalks, curbs and gutters comprised in the 2023 Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter Program at various locations throughout the City; and declaring an emergency therein.
Mr. Ken Seelig asked if these bonds are for those who don’t pay.  Mrs. Eviston stated that the City will assess the property owners their portion through property taxes through the County Auditor. The bonds are used to pay the contractor for services rendered while the property owners are assessed their portions through property taxes. 
On Motion of Mrs. Brown, seconded by Dr. Estrop, the Ordinance was passed.
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue                   Yeas 5, Nays 0
238-24Ordinance No. 24-254 Authorizing the City Manager to apply for a FY2024 Safe Streets and Roads For All (SS4A) Grant in an amount up to $1,576,560.00 through the United States Department of Transportation; authorizing a local matching expenditure in an amount not to exceed $394,140.00; authorizing the City Manager, Director of Finance and Law Director to perform all acts and execute all documents considered necessary to fulfill the City's obligations under said Grant application, and to comply with all relevant local, state and federal legal requirements, and declaring an emergency therein.
Dr. Estrop asked for an explanation of this grant and how the funds will be used.  Project Manager Juli Springer explained with this grant the City will go through a safety action plan which would provide for the City’s Emergency Responders to pass through intersections in a safer manner with upgraded intersection services.
On Motion of Mrs. Brown, seconded by Dr. Estrop, the Ordinance was passed.
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue                   Yeas 5, Nays 0
239-24Ordinance No. 24-255 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Airport Infrastructure Grant Agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration to accept funding in an amount up to $165,725.00 for the design portion of the reconstruction of Taxiway C at the Springfield-Beckley Municipal Airport; authorizing a local matching expenditure in an amount not to exceed $9,207.00; authorizing the City Manager, Law Director, Airport Manager and the Director of Finance to do all things necessary for the execution of the agreement and to comply with all relevant local, state and federal legal requirements; and declaring an emergency therein.
Mrs. Houston thanked Mr. Franzen for his part in the progress happening at the Springfield-Beckley Airport. 

Mr.s Tackett highlighted an article in the Springfield News-Sun regarding the NAAMIF event at the airport.  Mr. Franzen explained the event and it’s ties to Advanced Air Mobility.
On Motion of Dr. Estrop, seconded by Mrs. Brown, the Ordinance was passed.
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue                   Yeas 5, Nays 0
240-24Ordinance No. 24-256 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Airport Infrastructure Grant Agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration to accept funding in an amount up to $140,733.00 for the acquisition of real property at the approach end of Runway 06 within the Airport Runway Safety Area at the Springfield-Beckley Municipal Airport; authorizing a local matching expenditure in an amount not to exceed $7,821.00; authorizing the City Manager, Law Director, Airport Manager and the Director of Finance to do all things necessary for the execution of the agreement and to comply with all relevant local, state and federal legal requirements; and declaring an emergency therein.
Dr. Estrop asked if it is an FAA requirement this property be purchased and Mr. Franzen stated that was correct. 
On Motion of Dr. Estrop, seconded by Mrs. Brown, the Ordinance was passed.
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue                   Yeas 5, Nays 0
241-24Ordinance No. 24-257 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Contract for Grant Administration Services with National Council for Community Development, Inc. dba Grow America, for a period of two years with the option to renew for three additional one-year terms, for an amount not to exceed $132,600.00 for the initial two-year term; and declaring an emergency therein.
Dr. Estrop asked for more information.  Mr. Heck stated this contract will assist the City to manage entitlement funds like CDBG, ESG, HUD and other Federal Funds and the ensure we are in line with our plans. 
On Motion of Mrs. Brown, seconded by Dr. Estrop, the Ordinance was passed.
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue                   Yeas 5, Nays 0
The following items were added to the agenda:
242-24Resolution No. 6247 Consenting to the appointment of Pamela Toliver to the Human Relations Board; and declaring an emergency therein. 
On Motion of Mrs. Brown, seconded by Mrs. Tackett, the Resolution was adopted
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue                   Yeas 5, Nays 0
Mrs. Tackett announced next week is First Friday with a theme of Dog Days of Summer, Viva La Fiesta will be opening soon downtown, the Farmers Market is nearing the end of the season and mentioned MarketFest was a great event downtown.  Mrs. Tackett expressed appreciation for the staff, schools, Project Woman, Sheltered, Inc and OIC for helping to home the Executive Inn residents. 
212-24   Recommended Utility Rate increase overview as presented. 

198-24   Recorded and filed copy of July 16, 2024 City Commission Meeting Minutes with the Clark County Auditor related to the issuance and sale of notes associated with the 2024 Sidewalk, Curbs and Gutter Program. 
The City Commission meeting adjourned at 8:27 p.m

  President of City Commission's signature
  Clerk of the City Commission's signature