The following emergency legislation was presented for the first time:
| 009-24Ordinance No. 24-249 Confirming purchases and the obtaining of services for the City and providing for payments therefor; and declaring an emergency therein.
On Motion of Mrs. Brown, seconded by Mrs. Houston, the Ordinance was passed.
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue |
Yeas 5, Nays 0 |
| 019-24Ordinance No. 24-250 Providing for Supplemental Appropriations within various funds, and declaring an emergency therein.
On Motion of Mrs. Brown, seconded by Mrs. Tackett, the Ordinance was passed.
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue |
Yeas 5, Nays 0 |
| 236-24Ordinance No. 24-251 Authorizing the City Manager to apply for, accept and enter into Water Supply Revolving Loan Account Loan Agreement with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and Ohio Water Development Authority to finance a portion of the City's 2024 Selma Road Water Service Replacement Project; authorizing the City Manager, Finance Director and Law Director to do all things necessary to implement said loan application and agreement, and to comply with all relevant local, state and federal legal requirements; and declaring an emergency therein.
Dr. Estrop asked for more information. Mr. Heck stated this project is related to the Selma Road project and will eliminate lead lines in our infrastructure and asked Mrs. Eviston to speak to the funding for this project. Mrs. Eviston explained the loan with the Ohio EPA and OWDA is for $1,011,100 of which $318,915 would be eligible for principal forgiveness and the remaining $692,000 would be at 0% interest.
On Motion of Mrs. Brown, seconded by Mrs. Houston, the Ordinance was passed.
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue |
Yeas 5, Nays 0 |
| 237-24Ordinance No. 24-252 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Mid-Ohio Pipeline Co Inc., for the Selma Road Water Service Replacement Project for an amount not to exceed $906,900.23; and declaring an emergency therein.
On Motion of Mrs. Brown, seconded by Mrs. Houston, the Ordinance was passed.
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue |
Yeas 5, Nays 0 |
| 198-24Ordinance No. 24-253 Providing for the issuance of bonds to pay the property owners' portion, in anticipation of the collection of special assessments heretofore levied of the cost of constructing sidewalks, curbs and gutters comprised in the 2023 Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter Program at various locations throughout the City; and declaring an emergency therein.
Mr. Ken Seelig asked if these bonds are for those who don’t pay. Mrs. Eviston stated that the City will assess the property owners their portion through property taxes through the County Auditor. The bonds are used to pay the contractor for services rendered while the property owners are assessed their portions through property taxes.
On Motion of Mrs. Brown, seconded by Dr. Estrop, the Ordinance was passed.
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue |
Yeas 5, Nays 0 |
| 238-24Ordinance No. 24-254 Authorizing the City Manager to apply for a FY2024 Safe Streets and Roads For All (SS4A) Grant in an amount up to $1,576,560.00 through the United States Department of Transportation; authorizing a local matching expenditure in an amount not to exceed $394,140.00; authorizing the City Manager, Director of Finance and Law Director to perform all acts and execute all documents considered necessary to fulfill the City's obligations under said Grant application, and to comply with all relevant local, state and federal legal requirements, and declaring an emergency therein.
Dr. Estrop asked for an explanation of this grant and how the funds will be used. Project Manager Juli Springer explained with this grant the City will go through a safety action plan which would provide for the City’s Emergency Responders to pass through intersections in a safer manner with upgraded intersection services.
On Motion of Mrs. Brown, seconded by Dr. Estrop, the Ordinance was passed.
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue |
Yeas 5, Nays 0 |
| 239-24Ordinance No. 24-255 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Airport Infrastructure Grant Agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration to accept funding in an amount up to $165,725.00 for the design portion of the reconstruction of Taxiway C at the Springfield-Beckley Municipal Airport; authorizing a local matching expenditure in an amount not to exceed $9,207.00; authorizing the City Manager, Law Director, Airport Manager and the Director of Finance to do all things necessary for the execution of the agreement and to comply with all relevant local, state and federal legal requirements; and declaring an emergency therein.
Mrs. Houston thanked Mr. Franzen for his part in the progress happening at the Springfield-Beckley Airport.
Mr.s Tackett highlighted an article in the Springfield News-Sun regarding the NAAMIF event at the airport. Mr. Franzen explained the event and it’s ties to Advanced Air Mobility.
On Motion of Dr. Estrop, seconded by Mrs. Brown, the Ordinance was passed.
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue |
Yeas 5, Nays 0 |
| 240-24Ordinance No. 24-256 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Airport Infrastructure Grant Agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration to accept funding in an amount up to $140,733.00 for the acquisition of real property at the approach end of Runway 06 within the Airport Runway Safety Area at the Springfield-Beckley Municipal Airport; authorizing a local matching expenditure in an amount not to exceed $7,821.00; authorizing the City Manager, Law Director, Airport Manager and the Director of Finance to do all things necessary for the execution of the agreement and to comply with all relevant local, state and federal legal requirements; and declaring an emergency therein.
Dr. Estrop asked if it is an FAA requirement this property be purchased and Mr. Franzen stated that was correct.
On Motion of Dr. Estrop, seconded by Mrs. Brown, the Ordinance was passed.
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue |
Yeas 5, Nays 0 |
| 241-24Ordinance No. 24-257 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Contract for Grant Administration Services with National Council for Community Development, Inc. dba Grow America, for a period of two years with the option to renew for three additional one-year terms, for an amount not to exceed $132,600.00 for the initial two-year term; and declaring an emergency therein.
Dr. Estrop asked for more information. Mr. Heck stated this contract will assist the City to manage entitlement funds like CDBG, ESG, HUD and other Federal Funds and the ensure we are in line with our plans.
On Motion of Mrs. Brown, seconded by Dr. Estrop, the Ordinance was passed.
Yeas: Mrs. Brown, Dr. Estrop, Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Tackett, Mr. Rue |
Yeas 5, Nays 0 |